Hello! My name is Mrs. Davis and I am excited that you are in my class. Welcome to my blog! We will communicate here a lot. Every day that you come to class you will log on to my blog for your assignments.There are no tricks to being successful in my class. We will work hard everyday and cover a lot of material. I take what I do very seriously and want to teach you as much as I can in the time that we have available to us. There is no "free time." I will always be prepared to teach...you should always be prepared to learn. Once you enter my classroom you will be considered a professional. Please conduct yourself as a professional. Follow these rules and we will have a fabulous year.
1. We will greet each other every day at the entrance of the classroom. We will make eye contact, speak and share a professional handshake.
2. You will enter the classroom
quietly and
3. If you come in after the tardy bell, you are tardy unless you have a note from a teacher or administration excusing your tardy. We do not need to discuss the tardy. Come in quietly, sign the tardy log and begin working. If you have a note, place it on my desk. After you have signed in, move quietly to your workstation. I will mark the tardy or the excuse appropriately.
4. Backpacks: Place your backpack at your feet under your computer. We have limited space and need to maximize what we do have. In addition, this is a safety issue. I do not want you or me tripping over wayward backpacks.
5. Sit at
your computer and log onto my blog for your daily assignment(s). My blog is set as your homepage. Click on the Internet icon and it will pull up.
6. Begin your bell ringer. Do not wait for me to prompt you. Always remember...time is a very valuable commodity. Do not waste it. Also, you have 5 minutes for bell ringers. I grade bell ringers. You get credit for what you complete or don't complete.
7. Work diligently and
stay on task. I use a timer for almost every assignment. The timer helps you and me stay honest in our efforts. There is no extra time and no extra credit. Do what you need to do every minute that you are in my class.
8. If you have a question, ask your neighbor
quietly for help. If your neighbor can't help you, raise your hand. Do not call out, I will be right over to help you. On
online days, You will need to send me emails in order to communicate...don't worry. You will be ready.
9. Be respectful of each other, yourselves, me and the equipment.
Stay on task. There
will always be something that you should be working on.
The bell does not dismiss class. It alerts us to time. I will dismiss class if everyone is quietly seated in their chairs. You will have an "Exit slip" assignment due at the end of most, if not every class. Do not move towards the door until I dismiss you.
12. Everyone has a rolling chair. That is for your convenience and comfort. Do not use the chair inappropriately. Inappropriate use of chair includes but is not limited to the following: rocking, up/downs, spinning, rolling across the floor. If you are not able to use your chair as it is intended, you will be given a chair with legs.
13. Each workstation has a computer. You are responsible for
your computer. Do not put your hands on your neighbors computer. There is nothing cute about lost work or broken equipment. If you do not take care of your computer, alternative equipment will be assigned to you.
14. You will determine how successful you are. I'm betting on you. I hope that you do too.
Soft Skills:
The skills, traits, work habits, and attitudes that all
workers across all occupations must have in order to obtain, maintain, and
progress in employment. These include being dependable, responsible, punctual,
adaptable, honest, honorable, well-mannered, positive toward work, and
appropriately dressed/groomed. Soft skills also refer to such attributes as the
ability to get along with others, work in teams, attend to tasks, work
independently, and provide excellent customer service, both within the company
and externally.
Rubric for Soft
Skills Assessment:
Week: ____________________
Work Ethic
Your soft skills will
be observed and assessed. Points will be deducted based on the point system
above. You will be assessed on a daily basis. The points that you have left at
the end of each week may be recorded in STI and will count for 20% of each 9 week grade. You are
guaranteed at least 4 recordings in STI.
If you score between 100-80 points consider yourself hired.
If you score between 70-60 points consider yourself on probation.
If you score 59 or lower consider yourself fired.
Notice the tabs across the top. Click on the tab that is appropriate to the class you are in. You will find your assignments there.
This is going to be a great year! Plan to learn a lot and to have fun learning! Looking Forward.
Mrs. Davis